SCEN - Scotland China Education Network

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One Week Intensive Chinese Classes

The Confucius Institute is now offering one-week intensive classes from 5th to 9th August 2013 at 10am-12pm or 1pm-3pm for various levels.

Registration is now open. Tuition fees is £115 for general public, £100 for staff and students at the University of Glasgow, and senior citizens. A minimum of 5 students are required to run a class.

Please find attached the enrolment form (to the right of this page) if you wish to register for these classes. Please state which level you prefer when you register, the questions on the registration form will help us to decide which level you are if you are not sure.

If you are interested in the 10 week classes, these will begin again in the last week of September. Please keep checking our website regularly for updates:

Confucius Institute

Room 202, John McIntyre Building

University of Glasgow

Glasgow G12 8QQ

Tel: 0141 330 7730  

The University of Glasgow Charity Number is SC004411