SCEN at Kinross High School - 23 September 2022
Kinross High School hosted the third SCEN school summit event since the pandemic. Consul Yang Li and Cllr Andy Chan joined staff and students from Kinross High School, Grove Academy, and Lasswade High School to celebrate each schools work to grow their mandarin programmes. It was wonderful to hear students sharing their experiences and everyone was impressed by their confidence speaking Mandarin.
The programme consisted of a mixture of video and “live” presentations. Contributions from SCEN, CISS, FIDA, CISS Alumni added to a morning of entertaining and inspiring presentations.
Thanks to the Kinross staff for hosting the event, Erin Duffy (Chair of the CISS Alumni), and Karen Liddle and Calum Gibb (CISS/SCILT), and Jacqueline Smith (Project Consultant Futures Institute at Dollar Academy).
Further summits are planned for next year. If you are interested in hosting a SCEN Youth Summit get in touch via
Colin Mitchell
SCEN volunteer / CISS Associate