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East Lothian Piping & Drumming Competition
Preston Lodge High School Pipe Band is the Pipe Band which visited Nanning and performed at the Second SCEN China Youth Summit at Gleneagles: it is now the SCEN Pipe Band!

Scotland China Association Primary Schools Competition 2014
The aim of this competition is to stimulate interest in Chinese culture. The subject of the competition is: "FESTIVALS CELEBRATED IN CHINA"

Job Opportunity - Lecturer in Chinese
The University of Otago's Department of Languages and Cultures is offering a career opportunity in Chinese Studies.

SCEN Photographer Wins The Scott Cup
The SCEN Photographer, Megan Hammell, has won the St George's School for Girls' Scott Cup

Dr Alasdair Allan - Blog
The Scotland-China Education Network (SCEN) plays a vital role in maintaining links with this country

Views of the Second SCEN China Youth Summit
I was at the back of the room, but I could see the smiles of inspiration on the faces of the younger pupils, as they listened to and watched their seniors who were speaking in Mandarin.

SCEN Summit At Gleneagles
On Wednesday 27 November a group of St George's girls attended the second SCEN Summit at the Gleneagles Hotel.

The Early Learning of Chinese Project
Primary school pupils across East Lothian are currently benefitting from an exciting new language learning initiative co-ordinated by the Scotland-China Education Network (SCEN).

Sky News on Languages
Britain's inability to speak "important" foreign languages could jeopardise future prosperity and global standing, according to a new report.

SCEN Network Meeting
We have felt the time is right for a SCEN Network Meeting in the Spring Term

Scotland's Confucius Institutes
I attended the splendid launch of the Confucius Institute for the University of Aberdeen in late September

Chinese and American Film Review
On Thursday 17 October, I attended a presentation by Professor Paul Pickowicz on Cold War Propaganda: Chinese and American Film

Free Business Lectures
Business Lectures at the Confucius Institute for Scotland at the University of Edinburgh.

Dragon - A Visual Story
The Confucius Institute for Scotland's Schools and the University of Glasgow Confucius Institute are delighted to offer a unique opportunity

New Confucius Institute for the University of Aberdeen
Congratulations to Professor Barbara Fennell, now Director of the Confucius Institute for the University of Aberdeen!

China Strategy - Launch of Information Hub
The China Strategy Implementation and Delivery Forum
Launch of ‘Beyond the Panda’
The conservation of the wild panda is about much more than the animal

China Debate
Graeme Pearson MSP, Convener of the Cross Party Group on China, led a most interesting China Debate in the Scottish Parliament