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SCEN Ambassadors' Conference
On Monday 29 September a group of St George's girls from U5 to 6th form travelled with Mrs Robertson to The Playfair Library at the University of Edinburgh to take part in the SCEN conference.

Other News

SCEN Ambassadors' Conference & Board Meeting
There is a strong impetus within SCEN to campaign more than ever to support Scotland's Strategy for Stronger Engagement with China.

SCEN at the University of Aberdeen
Dear Group Leaders, Presenters and Organisers at the SCEN National Pupil Conference at the University of Aberdeen,

The SCEN Logo
The SCEN Logo is the Chinese Character meaning Educate! It is pronounced Yu.
SCEN Update - May 2014
So much is happening in the vibrant field of Scotland's educational links with China!
SCEN Members Come Together For Network Meeting
On the 7th March 2014, members of the Scotland China Education Network convened for a well attended and informative network meeting.