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Past Glories
Huge congratulations to Queen Anne High School Dunfermline, worthy winners of the Times Educational Supplement International Award 2014!

World Confucius Institute Celebrations
Much is happening in Scotland's Confucius Institutes to celebrate the 10th anniversary

Cross Party Group On China - Speech by Consul General
The Speech Of Consul General Of The People's Republic Of China Mr PAN Xinchun

SCEN National Pupil Conference Video
Hundreds of school pupils from across Scotland descended on the University of Aberdeen for a celebration of Chinese culture and language, hosted by the University and the Confucius Institute.

Confucius Institute Day
To celebrate Confucius Institute Day on September 27th 2014, the Institute are running a Young Photographers' Competition

SCEN at the University of Aberdeen
Dear Group Leaders, Presenters and Organisers at the SCEN National Pupil Conference at the University of Aberdeen,

SCEN Early Learning of Chinese Project
The SCEN Early Learning of Chinese Project in East Lothian was celebrated at the splendid Brunton Theatre in Musselburgh

Invitation to Lecture by Chen Liming, President of BP China
The Confucius Institute for Scotland at the University of Edinburgh invites Members of SCEN to a special guest lecture by Visiting Professor CHEN Liming, President of BP China

SCEN at Edinburgh Zoo
The RZSS/SCEN Global Classroom at Edinburgh Zoo on 20 May was a great success!

Wenlin: a Chinese Language Learning Tool
Wenlin is a sophisticated tool for Chinese language learning, which can be useful to learners at various Chinese competency levels

China Club HQ
China Club HQ continues to be available to any interested newcomers and even seasoned users, with a range of updated content available to all.

Year of the Horse Education Pack
Introduce pupils to the differences and similarities between the lives, languages and cultures of people in China and the UK with the British Council's Year of the Horse education pack.

Questions about the Learning of Mandarin and Cantonese in the Scottish Parliament
Graeme Pearson MSP, Convener of the Cross Party Group on China, asked a Parliamentary Question in the Chamber yesterday

Dr Alasdair Allan - Blog
The Scotland-China Education Network (SCEN) plays a vital role in maintaining links with this country

The Early Learning of Chinese Project
Primary school pupils across East Lothian are currently benefitting from an exciting new language learning initiative co-ordinated by the Scotland-China Education Network (SCEN).

Sky News on Languages
Britain's inability to speak "important" foreign languages could jeopardise future prosperity and global standing, according to a new report.