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Three Chinese Language Learning Opportunities
The Confucius Institute for Scotland at the University of Edinburgh has asked me to send you the letter below, containing three wonderful Chinese Learning Opportunities.

Royal Society for Asian Affairs
On 23 April Mr Humza Yousaf MSP, Minister for External Affairs and International Development, gave a very energising talk at the event organised by the Royal Society for Asian Affairs

Midlothian Confucius Hub Launch
We are all cheering at the opening of the Midlothian Confucius Hub at Lasswade High School

The Scottish Churches China Group and the Amity Foundation
Those of you who attended the Third SCEN China Youth Summit at Gleneagles will remember

SCEN Learning of Chinese Project in East Lothian
The indefatigable Simon Macaulay, who chaired the National Working Group on Languages which recommended the 1 + 2 Languages Plan
Did You Read This Advice?
Did you read this advice on languages from the Scottish Chambers of Commerce, reported in Holyrood for 9 April 2015?

Leigh Morris and his exciting plans for the Royal Zoological Society Scotland in Education
Leigh Morris, Director of Community Conservation, RZSS writes The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS) has delivered fantastic education programmes to Scottish school children

China Day at the Zoo - Tuesday 3 March 2015
We are looking forward to China Day at the Zoo on Tuesday 3 March.

New Resource for Teachers of Chinese
Billy Prior, Teacher of Chinese at Dollar Academy, writes:

Special Guest Lecture on Chinese Language Teaching
Frances Christensen, General Manager of the Confucius Institute for Scotland

Confucius Institute for Scotland at the University of Edinburgh Distinguished Lecture Series - David Shambaugh
Mark your diary now for the second lecture in our 2015 Distinguished Lecture Series from Prof David Shambaugh of George Washington University

Congratulations to Andrew Aitken
Congratulations to Andrew Aitken, Grange Academy Confucius Hub, Kilmarnock

The Confucius Institute for Scotland Distinguished Lecture
On Tuesday 3 February, Professor David Der-wei Wang, Professor of Chinese Literature at Harvard University, will give the first talk of the Confucius Institute Distinguished Lecture Series

The Zoo Where You Are
The Wild about Scotland bus is funded by Clydesdale Bank and RZSS. It is travelling around Scotland delivering sessions to primary schools (typically P4-P7, but could be younger children) on Scottish Biodiversity.

China Day at the Zoo
The redoubtable educators at Edinburgh Zoo are organising another China Day at the Zoo on Tuesday 3 March 2015

Successes and Messages for all of us from Falkirk
Four sixth year students from Falkirk will spend a year in China, learning Mandarin and seeing a new culture.

Beyond The Panda
The devoted and energising Sandie Robb tells us that the original Beyond the Panda programme

My Learning of Chinese
Reverend Alan Miller, Chairman of the Scottish Churches China Group Management Committee

Do get in touch with the British Council Scotland to find a partner school in China