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Annual Scottish Maritime History Conference

Confucius Institute Distinguished Lecture Series - Farmland for Farmers
It is our great pleasure to invite you to the last distinguished lecture of the 2015 series which will be given by Dong Zhenghua,

Confucius Institute Distinguished Lecture Series
Lecture by Professor Shen Dingli, Fudan University, Shanghai

From the Asia Scotland Institute
On Thursday October 8th the world-famous Jang Jin-Sung and author of "Dear Leader"

Certificate/Diploma in Communicative Chinese Programme - SOAS, University of London
The School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, deliver a wide variety of Chinese language courses and run a highly regarded teacher training programme

UK-China Research and Innovation Partnership Fund
UK-China Research Innovation Partnership Fund round up

Royal Society for Asian Affairs' Inaugural Schools' Day for Scotland
Wednesday 28 October 2015, Surgeons' Hall, Nicolson Street, Edinburgh

Triumph for EUSA's Mandarin Volunteers
Meyer Kalenderian from EUSA tells us of The University of Edinburgh's Impact Awards 2015

Tim Clissold - Mr China
At the Cross Party Group on China, Tuesday 29 September, 6.00 - 7.30 pm, The Scottish Parliament

Dr Martin Mills and Dr Samantha Cameron, University of Aberdeen
At the Cross Party Group on China, Tuesday 9 June 2015, 6.00 - 7.30 pm, The Scottish Parliament

Modern Languages in Scotland, including Chinese
Dr Jim Scott, former Head Teacher of Perth High School and now Lecturer at the University of Dundee and SCSSA facilitator

The SCEN Lecture 2015
Friday 6 November, 4.00 - 6.00 pm, The Royal Society of Edinburgh: Professor Ian Gow OBE

Pupil Conference at Dunoon Grammar School
On Friday 18 September SCEN will be supporting the intrepid David Mitchell, Head Teacher of Dunoon Grammar School

Sandie and Danestone Primary School's Giant Panda Online Game!
Sandie was at the official launch of Danestone P7's giant panda online game on Friday.

News from Edinburgh Zoo: Panda Boxes
Our China Mobile Library provides 'panda boxes' to schools for a 3 day loan period.

The Confucius Institute for Scotland Invites
"Doing Business with China: A Chinese Perspective"