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Centre for Language Education and Cooperation UK Scottish Teaching Championship 2021
The Centre for Language Education and Cooperation (CLEC) UK is running a UK Chinese Teaching Championship in Scotland this year.

Chinese Business Culture Awareness Bite-Size Workshops
The workshop is delivered in English and no prior Chinese knowledge is required. The purpose of the workshop is to provide participants with an awareness of China and Chinese business culture with a series of 25 minute bite-size sessions.

Chengdu University of Technology Offers International Students Scholarships
Chengdu University of Technology welcomes international students to study at their university and they provide various scholarships….

Confucius Institute Winter Term Classes Starts From 25 January 2021
All winter classes will be delivered remotely using the online platform Zoom. To optimise the learning experience a maximum capacity has been set per group – so space is very limited! Please note bookings will close 7 days before the term start date.

Confucius Institute 5 Week Calligraphy Class – Starts 20 January 2021
This class will be delivered digitally using the online platform Zoom. To optimise the learning experience a maximum capacity has been set per group – so space is very limited!

Confucius Institute 5 Week Landscape Brush Painting Class – Starts 19 January 2021
This class will be delivered digitally using the online platform Zoom. To optimise the learning experience a maximum capacity has been set per group – so space is very limited!

New Courses with the Scottish Confucius Institute For Business And Communication at Heriot-Watt University
New courses are now available with the Scottish Confucius Institute For Business And Communication at Heriot-Watt University.

SCEN Web Conference: Paola Subacchi - Recording Now Available
SCEN Web Conference: Paola Subacchi - Recording Available Soon. Thursday 10 September, 7pm GMT

National Timetable of Developments at CISS/SCILT In Relation To Language Learning In Schools
SCILT/CISS is delighted to have partnered with e-Sgoil to contribute to their national offer of timetabled, live-streamed classes that will support youngsters of all ages throughout the period of school closures.

Confucius Institute Courses Are Now Online
The Confucius Institute have switched their CI courses to be online courses.

Spring Intensive Courses at the Confucius Institute
Spring Intensive Courses in Business Chinese for Beginners and Post Beginners running in April and May this year:

Teaching in Hong Kong
There are opportunities for primary and secondary school teachers in an ‘all-through’ school in Hong Kong (Primary to Secondary).

8th Annual SCEN Youth Summit Points the Way Forward
The 8th SCEN Youth Summit took place on Friday 8 November at the EICC Edinburgh. Students from nearly 20 schools from Scotland participated with a number of visiting students from Hong Kong

Scholarships for Master's Degrees in China
The Hopkins-Nanjing Center Washington Office would like you to know about opportunities for students to earn a graduate certificate or master’s degree in China,

Tianjin Scholarship 2020-21
The application process for the 2020-2021 Tianjin Scholarship is now open.

SCEN Youth Committee, Advisory Council, and the Cross Party Group on China Update
SCEN recently held several meetings at Grangemouth High School.

2019 Chinese Proficiency Test Summer Camp
The 2019 Chinese Proficiency Test Summer Camp for students aged between 14 and 22 from Hanban UK is still taking applicants.