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Visit China with Chinese Bridge for UK Schools
Are you interested in encouraging the teaching and learning of Mandarin in your school?

Learning of Chinese in East Lothian
Below is an excerpt from the SCILT Newsletter May 2016 and describes the SCEN Learning of Chinese Programme in East Lothian:

The Art of Contemplation
If you can't make the first event, the second event will be on Friday 29th July at the Salisbury Centre, 7pm - 8:30pm, and there will also be free food and beverages available.

Zheng He - When the Dragon Ships Came - UPDATED
For school groups only there are two free performances during the day.

An Invitation from the Confucius Institute for Scotland
50 years ago this month the Cultural Revolution started as a political movement, that with its violence, political radicalism and utopianism brought tremendous changes to China

Centre for Excellence Co-Ordinator
Centre for Excellence Co-Ordinator, for the new South Edinburgh Chinese Language Centre for Excellence

Generation UK: China Network
Ambassador Barbara Woodward announced as the official Champion of the Generation UK: China Network.

Confucius Institute Distinguished Lecture Series
Getting the Terms Straight: Politics, State & Law in the Discourse of Chinese 'Legalism'.

Bring Chinese language and culture alive in the classroom

BBC Generation 16
Fifty young people have been selected to take part the BBC Generation 2016 project ahead of the Scottish Parliament elections on 5 May.

Scen Trustees and Ambassadors
The Trustees of SCEN have met for the first time and the fruits of our discussions are already emerging.

The Hong Kong Scotland School Improvement Partnership
SCEN is supporting a wonderful new initiative: the Hong Kong Scotland School Improvement Partnership (HSKKIP),

SCEN and the Teaching of Mandarin
Simon Macaulay continues his excellent leadership of the very collaborative SCEN Learning of Chinese Programme

Zheng He-When the Dragon Ships Came
The Confucius Institute for Scotland in the University of Edinburgh, in association with SCEN, is delighted to present this award winning show

SCEN at Lasswade High School
There will be a meeting of the SCEN Advisory Council on Friday 17 June at Lasswade High Schoo

When the Dragon Ships Came
You may have heard from Frances Christensen about this opportunity to send a group of P6, P7, S1 or S2 students (and staff) to an award-winning theatrical production of Zheng He

SCEN Ambassadors, led by Rosemary Mitchell
SCEN Ambassadors, with Bella Hou, led by Rosemary Mitchell, Convener of SCEN Ambassadors,

Lasswade High School And Its Distinguished China Connections
In April 2015 Lasswade High School was made the Confucius Hub for Midlothian

DiaoChan: The Rise of the Courtesan
Often called the Chinese Macbeth, DiaoChan is an epic story of lust, jealousy and revenge, taken from the ancient Chinese classic, The Romance of the Three Kingdoms.