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AACCEE’s Chinese New Year at Edinburgh Castle
Sunday 30th January was the seventh year that AACCEE has successfully hosted Chinese New Year celebrations.

StampIT’s 2022 Around the World with Stamps
A worldwide competition for ages 5-15 to create a written or video presentation linked to postage stamps.

CISS 10th Anniversary Gift Design Competition
The Confucius Institute for Scotland’s Schools (CISS) will be celebrating its 10th anniversary in 2022.

Teach in China with Pagoda Projects
The China Education Association for International Exchange 中国教育国际交流协会(CEAIE) has partnered up with UK-company and global mobility programme provider Pagoda Projects to encourage UK graduates to teach in China and discover the Middle Kingdom on their funded teaching programme.

The Scottish Confucius Institute for Business & Communication Events and Classes
The Scottish Confucius Institute for Business & Communication at Heriot Watt now present their exclusive Year of the Tiger programme.

SCEN January 2022 Update
This update discusses the latest SCEN report, Youth Voice, and thanks Jack Simpson for all his work in taking forward the Mandarin agenda.