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Conference Invitation: New Perspectives on the Belt & Road Initiative
The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) outlined by China’s President Xi Jinping in 2013 is one of the most significant and substantial investment and development programmes to come out of China in modern times.

Developing Mandarin Conference at Southhall
This highly successful conference was held at Southhall, University of Edinburgh and at the Confucius Institute for Scotland and was jointly organised by SCEN and Ann Robertson, languages officer for East Lothian, Midlothian and Scottish Borders.

Developing Mandarin: Regional Models for the Future
Exploring innovative approaches to developing Mandarin learning for schools and young people across South-East region

Neurolanguage Coaching Conference
Rachel Paling writes that she is excited to invite SCEN members 15% discount to one of the most important and life-changing conferences about learning development and communication of the year!

SELMAS Conference: 6th February 2018
SELMAS aims to support, encourage and provoke mature conversations in areas of immediate relevance and interest to educational leaders, and the 2018 conference will deliver on this ambition.

Going Global Conference
Get on the Going Global bandwagon and secure your discounted early bird rate before Friday 24 March!