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2019 Edinburgh Official Chinese New Year Concert
The Asian Association of Commerce, Culture and Education in Europe (AACCEE) is delighted again to present the 2019 Chinese New Year Concert in the Usher Hall on the 9th of February.

SCEN Summit Looks to the Future
The Seventh SCEN summit was held in Perth Concert Hall on Friday 9 November 2018, taking as its title “Scotland:China – Our Future”.

SCEN goes to Beijing University
SCEN chair Simon Macaulay had a meeting with a group of students - members of the international relations group - at Beijing University in early October.

Road Initiative Keynote Lectures and Conference 4 & 5 October 2018
We are delighted to invite you to join us as a guest at our upcoming keynote lectures and conference focused on China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

Judith McClure's Retirement from SCEN
Over eighty SCEN supporters from over the years gathered for a celebration of Judith's contribution to SCEN as founder and Chair for over 12 years.

Edinburgh Chinese School 2018/19 Enrolment
爱丁堡中文学校現已接受报名, 表格可在学校网址下載 或于星期六(六月二日起)亲临本校索取。

Cantonese Opera at Edinburgh Castle
This September SCEN supported a successful Cantonese Opera event over two days in Edinburgh Castle, with renowned Cantonese performers and musicians including Seto Yok.

British Council in China is Recruiting for a Programme Manager
The British Council in China is recruiting for a Programme Manager.

May SCEN Lecture Review - UK-Chinese Times
nvited by the Scotland-China Education Network (SCEN), Scottish historian and writer, Dr Roger Collins, recently gave a lecture at the Royal Society of Edinburgh on the Silk Road.

Shanghai Fashion Show at Edinburgh Fringe & Chinese Literature Star at Book Festival
We hope you are ready for the delights of the Edinburgh Festival this month.
The Confucius Institute are honoured to organise two fantastic events at the Edinburgh Fringe and Book Festival this year.

Letter from Simon Macaulay
I am honoured to succeed Dr Judith McClure as Chair of SCEN, and together with Morag Anderson as Vice-Chair we shall undertake to implement the suggestions contained in the recently published Review of SCEN - Ten Years On and The Future.

Scotland’s Revised China Engagement Strategy Now Available
I am pleased to let you know that Scotland's Revised China Engagement Strategy was recently published. Thank you to everyone for contributing to its development.

Job Opportunity: Sales Assistant Food Hall Valvona & Crolla at Jenners
With an expanding Chinese customer base Jenners' Valvona & Crolla are looking to recruit.

Confucius Institute Summer Chinese Classes
Our newly designed summer school programme will run between 2 July and 2 August 2018. This year we will offer both Daytime and Evening classes.

Neurolanguage Coaching Conference
Rachel Paling writes that she is excited to invite SCEN members 15% discount to one of the most important and life-changing conferences about learning development and communication of the year!

Dr Judith McClure Resigns as Chair and Convener of SCEN
I am now seventy-two and I have been Convener of SCEN for twelve years.

Confucius Institute General Manager Position Available
The Confucius Institute for Scotland at the University of Edinburgh will lose its superb General Manager at the end of this month, when Frances Christensen retires.

Eye On Asia Photo Exhibition
SCEN Website Manager, Megan Hammell, has been shortlisted for the annual Eye On Asia Photography competition, and her entry is currently on show with the other finalists' photographs in the Parkinson Building, University of Leeds.

Partner with a Primary School in Hangzhou!
Helena Mao is a SCEN International Ambassador and she is Office Director and Senior Teacher of English at Ziyang Primary School, Hangzhou.