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Scotland China Association Competition for P5-P7 pupils
On behalf of the Scotland-China Association The Scotland-China Association are launching their national competition for pupils from Primaries 5, 6, and 7.

SELMAS Conference: 6th February 2018
SELMAS aims to support, encourage and provoke mature conversations in areas of immediate relevance and interest to educational leaders, and the 2018 conference will deliver on this ambition.

Sounds of the Silk Road Concert
Now after the western world has celebrated their new year, over a billion Chinese people are preparing for their own new year celebrations on 16th February 2018.
January Update from SCEN
SCEN updates, upcoming events and meetings.

Meeting Jack Ma and China at the Heart of Global Investment
Two challenging articles by James Anderson, Senior Partner of Baillie Gifford, world-leading investment manager, and great SCEN supporter!

A Great New Chinese Film is Released!
Chinese director Feng Xiaogang's new film, Youth, is coming to UK cinemas on December 15th.

Edinburgh Chinese Education Centre (ECEC)
Weiping Wang is the Head Teacher of the Edinburgh Chinese Education Centre (ECEC), based at Leith Academy.

Crystal Pan Balish tells us about Scottish Opera’s production of Warriors!
The Emperor's Incredible Army was successfully performed in Beijing by three artists of Scottish Opera and 890 Primary 5 (12 years old) pupils from Fangcaodi International School on Friday 3rd November.

Judith's Report on the Mapping of the Learning of Chinese and about China in Scotland's Schools
It is just over a decade since we began a collaborative effort in Scotland to introduce the learning of Mandarin and about China in our schools.

China and Asia Pacific Events
Join us in the John McIntyre Conference Centre for a programme focusing on the future in East Asia, the Pacific and beyond.
Nanning Final Chapter
And just like that, the Preston Lodge Pipe Band's final two gigs in Nanning were upon us.
News from Lee Moore in Nanning!
We are joined on the trip by Olivia Contini who is a representative of Scottish China Education Network(SCEN). Olivia is originally from Musselburgh and is living in Guang studying Chinese.

News from Olivia Contini, SCEN Nanning Ambassador, in Nanning!
What a success day one in Nanning, Guangxi has been!

Mandarin Teacher Required at The Edinburgh Academy: Maternity Cover

Languages Think Tank 25 August 2017
We had an excellent meeting of the Languages Think Tank on 25 August at Abden House, beautifully cared for by Xin Zhang and by the marvellous Edinburgh First.

Peter Budd CBE Belt and Road Lecture 5 October 2017
In association with The Royal Society of Edinburgh. Supported by the Scotland China Education Network:

Beyond the Panda: Information from Sandie Robb, Senior Education Officer, Royal Zoological Society for Scotland
The Beyond the Panda education programme is basically split into two options -

Chinese Opera Educational Events in August
*Firstly Seto Yok, the great Chinese Opera Singer from Hong Kong, will be giving a short and inspiring educational performance:

HelloUni App for Students Studying Abroad
The HelloUni app is making studying abroad easier for prospective international students. With a large following in China and on Chinese social media,

Chinese Arts and Culture Festival in Edinburgh
From Jie Song, Chairman: The Scotland China Chamber of Commerce is holding the 3rd Chinese Arts and Culture Festival on August 12.